musica Dei donum

CD releases

This list contains recently released or forthcoming recordings. It has been put together from several sources. Additions and corrections are most welcome.

The list is divided into two sections: first all releases devoted to one composer or a couple of composers. When works by more than one composer are recorded, the CD is alphabetised on the 'main' composer; otherwise on the first composer in the alphabet. After that follow the 'collections': CDs which contain works by three or more composers.
The name of the label and the reference number link - if possible - to a site with more information about the release.
The addition 'DDL' refers to digital downloads; such recordings are mostly not available on CD.
Many record companies have a website. For lists look at Medieval Music & Arts Foundation or at Early Music Links.

At the bottom of this page you will find links to previous lists with CD releases.

N.B. Musicians and/or ensembles which want their new discs to be included in this list can send me an e-mail:
There are two conditions:
- the use of period instruments (if relevant)
- a link to a website with details about the disc

April 2024


Aumann: "Passionsoratorium"
Soloists, Ars Antiqua Austria/Gunar Letzbor

Accent - ACC 24405

Bach CPE): "Symphonies - From Berlin to Hamburg"
Akademie für Alte Musik Berlin

Harmonia mundi - HMM 902317

Bach (JS): "con passione ..."
Tatjana Vorobjova, harpsichord

MDG - 92123116

Bach (JS): "Das Wohltemperierte Klavier 1"
Masato Suzuki, harpsichord

BIS - 2621

Bach (JS): Die Kunst der Fuge
Aapo Häkkinen, harpsichord; Les Voix Humaines

Ondine - ODE1437-2

Bach (JS): Die Kunst der Fuge
Masaaki & Masato Suzuki, harpsichord

BIS - 2531

Bach (JS): "Early Cantatas - Arnstadt & Mühlhausen (1703-1708)"
Les Arts Florissants/Paul Agnew

Harmonia mundi - HAF8905364

Bach (JS): "Lute Works, Vol. 1"
Francesco Moccia, lute

Artemisia - 0172

Bach (JS): "Lute Works, Vol. 2"
Francesco Moccia, lute

Artemisia - 0173

Bach (JS): "Organ Works, Vol. 5"
Masaaki Suzuki, organ

BIS - 2661

Bach (JS): Sonatas & Partitas for violin (BWV 1001-1006)
Ann Cnop, violin

Et'cetera - KTC 1768

Bach (JS): Sonatas & Partitas for violin (BWV 1001-1006)
Christoph Timpe, violin

Coviello Classics - COV92405

Bach (JS): "Triple"
Frank Theuns, transverse flute; Sophie Gent, violin; Bertrand Cuiller, harpsichord; Les Muffatti

Ramée - RAM 2301

Badia: "Cantate per soprano e continuo"
Raffaella Milanesi, soprano; RomaBarocca Ensemble

Tactus - TC 670204

Beethoven: Sonatas op. 12,1 & op. 30,1 & 3
Alasdair Beatson, fortepiano; Viktoria Mullova, violin

Signum Classics - SIGCD794

Bitti: Sonate per flauto, 1711
Chroma Baroque Ensemble

Tactus - TC 650202

Bittner: Pieces de Lut
Andre Henrich, lute

Aeolus - AE-10376

Bononcini (G): "How are the mighty fallen - Choral Music"
Soloists, Choir of The Queen's College Oxford, Academy of Ancient Music/Owen Rees

Signum Classics - SIGCD905

Bruckner: "Erinnerung - Bruckner in St. Florian"
St. Florianer Sängerknaben/Markus Stumpner

Solo Musica - SM450

Brumel: "Earthquake Mass"
Graindelavoix/Björn Schmelzer

Glossa - GCD P32118

Charpentier: David et Jonathas
Soloists, Les Pages et les Chantres du Centre de Musique Baroque de Versailles, Les Temps Présents/Olivier Schneebeli

Aparté - AP342

Corelli, arr Schickhardt: Trio sonatas
Serendipia Ensemble

IBS Classical - IBS 42024

Coste: "Complete Guitar Works - Vol. 5: Souvenirs"
Carlo Fierens, guitar [Rene Lacote, 1855]

Da Vinci Classics - C00848

Couperin (F): Concerts Royaux
Pierre Gallon, Matthieu Boutineau, harpsichord

Harmonia mundi - HMM 902725

Couperin (F): Pièce de Clavecin - Deuxième livre, Neuvième ordre
Andrew Appel, harpsichord

Orchid Classics - ORC100299

Dieupart, JS Bach: "A Suite Connection"
Marsyas Baroque

GWK Records - GWK162

Dussek (JL): "Complete Piano Sonatas, Vol. 10: Sonatas Op. 35 & Op. 69 No. 3"
Petra Somlai, fortepiano

Brilliant Classics - 95981

Fauré: "Fauré authentique - Complete Works for Cello and Piano"
Marc Coppey, cello; François Dumont, fortepiano [Érard]

Audite - 97.825

Fauré: "La Bonne Chanson - L'Horizon chimérique - Ballade - Mélodies"
Stéphane Degout, baritone; Alain Planès, fortepiano [Pleyel, 1892]

Harmonia mundi - HMM 902382

Fauré: Requiem in d minor; Brahms: Begräbnisgesang
Dorothee Mields, soprano; Kresimir Strazanac, bass; Collegium Vocale Gent; Orchestre des Champs-Elysées/Philippe Herreweghe

Frederick Chopin Intitute - NIFCCD151

Foucquet: Pièces de clavecin
Fernando De Luca, harpsichord

Brilliant Classics - 96772

Gallego: "Requiem Mass - Missa De Defuntos"
The Piping Rock Singers/Kevin M. Clarke

High Definition Tape Transfers - HDTT13535

Gay: The Beggar's Opera
Les Arts Florissants/William Christie

Opus Arte - OA1328D (DVD-Video)
Opus Arte - OABD7283D (Blu-ray)

Handel: Dixit Dominus, Laudate pueri, Nisi Dominus
Soloists, RIAS Kammerchor Berlin, Akademie für Alte Musik Berlin/Justin Doyle

Harmonia mundi - HMM 902723

Handel: Poro, re delle Indie
Soloists, Il Groviglio/Marco Angioloni

Château de Versailles Spectacles - CVS123

Handel: 'Rinaldo' a cinque
Ensemble Brezza

Lindoro - NL3068

Hertel (JW): "Oboe Concertos"
Katarzyna Pilipiuk, oboe; Ensemble Il Vento

Brilliant Classics - 97097

Ingegneri: "Volume 4: Missa Gustate et Videte; Motets for Holy Week and Easter"
Choir of Girton College Cambridge, The Western Wyndes/Gareth Johnson

Toccata - TOC0716

Jadin (H): "Sonatas for Piano with Violin"
Marek Toporowski, fortepiano; Zofia Wojniakiewicz, Robert Bachara violin

Brilliant Classics - 97065

Josquin Desprez: "Josquin in Poland"
Jerycho/Bartosz Izbicki

Dux - 2064

Losy: [Music for lute in Prague and Vienna in the 18th century]
Jan Cizmar, lute; {oh!} Ensemble

Supraphon - SU4343

Lully: Te Deum
Les Épopées/Stéphane Fuget

Château de Versailles Spectacles - CVS117

Mascitti: "Sonate a Tre - Opera Prima"
Musica Elegentia/Matteo Cicchitti

Challenge Classics - CC72979

Mayr (JS): "Messa solenne in D minor"
Soloists, Simon Mayr Chorus, Concerto de Bassus/Franz Hauk

Naxos - 8.574524-25

Moniuszko: Verbum Nobile
Soloists, Podlasie Opera Philharmonic Choir, Europa Galante/Fabio Biondi

Frederick Chopin Institute - NIFCCD091

Monteverdi: "Messa et Salmi"
Le Nuove Musiche/Krijn Koetsveld

Brilliant Classics - 96880

Monteverdi: Vespro della Beata Vergine
Pygmalion/Raphaël Pichon

Harmonia mundi - HMM 932710.11

Mozart (WA): Die Zauberflöte
Soloists, Glyndebourne Chorus, Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment/Ryan Wigglesworth

Opus Arte - OA1304D (DVD-Video)
Opus Arte - OABD7268D (Blu-ray)

Mozart (WA): "Heavenly Mozart"
Neal Peres Da Costa, fortepiano; Australian Romantic & Classical Orchestra/Rachael Beesley

ABC Classics - 197190404852

Mozart (WA): "Piano Concertos K 238, K 242, K 246"
Bojan Cicic, violin; Robert Levin, Ya-Fei Chuang, fortepiano; Academy of Ancient Music/Laurence Cummings, fortepiano

AAM Recordings - AAM044

Mozart (WA), FJ Haydn: "Al mio caro Amico... String Quartets"
Cuarteto Amico

Lindoro - NL3070

Muffat (Gottl): Componimenti musicali per il cembalo
Alexandra Nepomnyashchaya, harpsichord

Linn - CKD739

Parant: Premier Livre de Pièces de Clavecin
Eva del Campo, harpsichord

Brilliant Classics - 96854

Pergolesi: Stabat mater; Vivaldi: Niso Dominus
Shira Patchornik, soprano; Maarten Engeltjes, alto; PRJCT Amsterdam

Pentatone - PTC5187053

Rinck: Organ works
Mario Duella, organ

Casa Musicale Eco - 860334

Romberg: "'Good bye, great artist. Truly Yours, Beethoven' - 3 Grand Sonatas, Op. 5 For Harp and Cello"
Simona Marchesi, harp; Bartolomeo Dandolo Marchesi, cello

Challenge Classics - CC72990

Roseingrave: "Eight Harpsichord Suites and Other Keyboard Works"
Bridget Cunningham, harpsichord

Signum Classics - SIGCD783

Scarlatti (D), Dvorak: Stabat mater
La Tempête, Simon-Pierre Bestion

Alpha - 1054

Schütz: "Da pacem"
Ricercar Consort/Philippe Pierlot

Mirare - MIR 736

Tartini: "Diavolo - 6 Violin Sonatas"
Adrian Chandler, violin; La Serenissima

Signum Classics - SIGCD781

Telemann: "Ino & Late Works"
Christine Landshamer, soprano; Akademie für Alte Musik Berlin/Bernhard Forck

Pentatone - PTC5187072

Vallet: "Lute Music"
Yavor Genov, lute

Brilliant Classics - 96925

Vecchi: "Six Voice Motets"
Cappella Musicale Eusebiana/Denis Silano

Dynamic - CDS8001

Viadana: Sacri Concentus
The Viadana Collective

Passacaille - PAS1142

Victoria: "Tenebrae Responsories"
I Fagiolini/Robert Hollingworth

Coro - COR16204

Vivaldi: "Le Quattro Stagioni, La Follia"
Paul-Antoine Bénos-Djian, alto; Le Concert de la Loge/Julien Chauvin, violin

Alpha - 1005

Ziani: La morte vinta sul Calvario
Soloists, Les Traversées Baroques/Étienne Meyer, Judith Pacquier

Accent - ACC 24402


"Antiche sonorità organistiche"
Eva Frick, organ

Casa Musicale Eco - 860338

"Antichi Organi Italiani del Canton Ticino"
Livio Vanoni, organ

Casa Musicale Eco - 860343

"Berlin Harpsichord Concertos"
Philippe Grisvard, harpsichord; Ensemble Diderot/Johannes Pramsohler

Adax - ADX11211

"Capricciosi affetti - The Venetian Sonata in the Sixteen Hundreds"
Ensemble Harmonia Urbis/Marco Silvi

Stradivarius - Str37295

"I colori dell'organo"
Livio Vanoni, organ

Casa Musicale Eco - 860341

"Il Continuo Virtuoso - Corelli, Vivaldi, Visconti & Veracini"
Martyna Pastuszka, violin; Tomasz Pokrzywinski, cello

Chopin University Press - UMFCCD200

"Dolente partita - Madonne e Maddalena"
Ensemble Musica getutscht

Coviello Classics - COV92310

"Feast of the Swan - A Renaissance brotherhood at table"
Cappella Pratensis/Stratton Bull; Sollazzo Ensemble/Anna Danilevskaia

Challenge Classics - CC72880

"La Guitaromanie"
Izhar Elias, guitar

Cobra - COBRA0092

"16 Histoires de guitares"
David Jacques, guitar, mandolin

ATMA - 5647062

"The the Shadows"
Michael Spyres, baritenor; Les Talens Lyriques/Christophe Rousset

Erato - 5419787982

"Invocazioni Mariane"
Andreas Scholl, alto; Accademia Bizantina/Alessandro Tampieri

Naïve - V5474

"Masters of Imitation"
The Sixteen/Harry Christophers

Coro - COR16203

"Musica pro antiquis organis italicis"
Livio Vanoni, organ

Casa Musicale Eco - 860337

"Musiche di Natale italiane e francesi"
Gianfranco Spinelli, organ

Casa Musicale Eco - 860332

"La Nascita del Violoncello: Napoli - Bologna - Modena"
Les Basses Réunies/Bruno Cocset

Alpha - 1023

"Una Notte Onirica - Musica notturna nel Seicento"
Ensemble Agamemnon/François Cardey

Musica Ficta - MF8036

"O'er the Moor - Songs and Dances from Scotland and Ireland"
The Kraken Consort

Alpha - 1027

"Opera Arias in Turin in 18th century from Società del Whist-Accademia Filarmonica"
Stéphanie Varnerin, soprano; L'Astrée

CPO - 555 664-2

"Paradisi Gloria"
Le Palais Royal/Jean-Philippe Sarcos

Aparté - AP344

"The Queen's Masque - A female representation of power in English 16th century consort music"
Carine Tinney, soprano; ensemble feuervogel; Ziv Braha, lute

Coviello Classics - COV92309

"La Scuola Organistica Inglese, XVI - XVIII secolo"
Livio Vanoni, organ

Casa Musicale Eco - 860336

"Shakespeare's Lutebook"

Prima Classic - PRIMA031

"Terra e Cielo"
Space Time Continuo

Leaf Music - STC2024

"Vulnerasti cor meum - Motets from the Song of Songs"
I Disinvolti/Massimo Lombardi

Arcana - A562

"Weeping Philosophers"
Lawrence Zazzo, alto; Tercia Realidad/Jorge Jiménez

Pan Classics - PC 10 456

Previous lists:

July 2011
August 2011
September 2011
October 2011
November 2011
January 2012
February 2012
March 2012
April 2012
May 2012
June 2012
July 2012
September 2012
October 2012
November 2012
January 2013
February 2013
March 2013
April 2013
May 2013
June 2013
August 2013
September 2013
October 2013
November 2013
January 2014
February 2014
March 2014
April 2014
May 2014
June 2014
July 2014
September 2014
October 2014
December 2014
February 2015
March 2015
April 2015
May 2015
June 2015
July 2015
September 2015
November 2015
January 2016
February 2016
March 2016
April 2016
May 2016
June 2016
July 2016
September 2016
October 2016
November 2016
December 2016
January 2017
February 2017
April 2017
May 2017
June 2017
July 2017
September 2017
October 2017
November 2017
January 2018
February 2018
March 2018
April 2018
May 2018
June 2018
July 2018
October 2018
November 2018
December 2018
January 2019
February 2019
March 2019
April 2019
May 2019
June 2019
July 2019
September 2019
November 2019
December 2019
February 2020
April 2020
May 2020
June 2020
August 2020
October 2020
November 2020
December 2020
February 2021
March 2021
April 2021
May 2021
July 2021
October 2021
December 2021
February 2022
April 2022
June 2022
October 2022
December 2022
February 2023
April 2023
June 2023
August 2023
October 2023
