musica Dei donum

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which is devoted to early music.
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CD reviews (22 July 2024)

"Berlin Harpsichord Concertos"
Philippe Grivard, Ensemble Diderot

Fontana: "Complete Sonatas for Violin and Basso continuo"
Lux Terrae Baroque Ensemble
Uccellini: "Violin Sonatas from Opp. 3-5"
Noxwode/Conor Gricmanis

Handel: "Dixit Dominus - Laudate pueri - Nisi Dominus"
RIAS Kammerchor Berlin, Akademie für Alte Musik Berlin/Justin Doyle

La Hèle: Missa Praeter rerum seriem
El León de Oro/Peter Phillips, Marco Antonio García de Paz

M Praetorius, Schütz: "Sacred Works"
Weser-Renaissance Bremen/Manfred Cordes

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Updated: 22 July 2024


musica Dei donum
© 2000-24 Johan van Veen